miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Professional information

Hi! i'm going to intruduce myself again, my name is Sofìa and I would  like to describe myself prefessionally, although I'm just in the third year of my career, I think we all have projections and dreams regarding what we want to do.

My career is an arts degree with a major in dance, I really love my career but the university of chile precarius art in general and it's very difficult to think of a hopeful future when your own institution doesn't value what we are taugh, but I think we are responsible for changing things. My short-term projections have to do with preparing me in terms of education, to be able to teach.

My dream is to be able to teach through dance and create a system in early childhood that helps the psychomotor development of children, and on the other hand, I would very much like dance to be seen as a social tool and make it a viable option to choose.

I don't know if my dream is to travel professionally, I think there's a lot to do here, but I would love to travel through south america and learn from different cultures and rituals. Dance itself has a ritualistic characteristic, many of the indigenous cultures consider dance as way to connect and honnor nature, and I would like to know how a  body moves in a context that is not academized and that understands the body as a means.

A country that I would love to meet would be russia because it is a country with a lot of history and many beautiful places to visist, but I would not like to live in it.

viernes, 14 de junio de 2019

Volunteer of the fech

In february I went as volunteer in Curepto, I was really excited, and I learned a lot but I think the work can be so much better. We divided in commissions and each one worked with different human groups, my commission was education and culture, and we worked with children.

Our work was  focused on self-esteem and self-care for children and sexual education for teens, it was a very beautiful work but the articulation with the most rural communities was the problem because there was no direct communication. Another big problem was the hang-out in the place where we were staying, I think is not a bad thing but not all the nigths of the week, in my mind always said : " These are not  vacations, we came here to work for the people." But I think that people don't really understand what it is to work for the service of others.

At least for me, we are educating in community a value that has been lost but I believe that we, the new generations, don't understand very well what it is to educate without the typical utilitarian value of current education.

viernes, 7 de junio de 2019


Hi! again, this is my pet, his name is Platón and I have it almost a year ago. I really love this picture because I took many pictures of him that day, was like a photoshoot of him.

It was a sunny day and the green in the picture is the grass of my garden, my bunny really loves run and jump for all around, and he is very curious, he likes to dig about and my mom gets mad at him because she loves her garden.

I don't remember exactly when I took the picture but it was last year on some spring day, he almost posed for all my pictures, he loves the camera and  that's why he is the protagonist of my instagram's stories, I love him so mucho and I really likes post about him in my stories, he is a influencer pet.  

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019


All my life I have enjoyed so much the history, I think is a really necesary subject for life, but I have so much unconviniences with written history, because the fact that a language can be written imply a privilege, only the persons that can write an read can write about the history, and as the saying goes, only the winners write the history. But that is only the historiography, the history is so much complicated than that, so much civilizations have been silenced by historiography.

Many of the conflicts in the present coming from the wrong write history, I put an example, the state of Chile exterminated the people selk'nam and the last families was exposed in a humans zoo. In 2010 a documentary was made that talks about these zoos and how the selk nam families were kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder, the filmmakers sought state financing, which cost them a lot to achieve since the state of chile still doubts the existence of zoos and does not recognize the selk nam extermination until today, a state at the service of power and cover up of the real history.

All above is a very specific example, but this is so much bigger than that, another example, all school life teach us America was discovered and conquered, and that the conquerors came to civilize, but the reality is that America existed therefore can not be discovered, and the conquerors did not come to civilize but to invade and kill.


My favourite piece of technology definitely was the MP3, you could put a lot of music on it, at least my mp3 only served to listen to music, I remembered my first mp3 was a gift it was orange and only had 2GB of space, after time that mp3 stopped to working because I lost the charger.
After I lost my first MP3, I had another one and that mp3 I still have, I used so much time in a one day, I heard music everyday and always liked to move with the music, I thing that my taste fro dance started like that. I really loved my mp3 but when the cell phones started to work with music, I left my mp3 in forgotten. Definitely I can live without my mp3 but no without music.   

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2019


When I was a child my dream job was very strange, I really love the work of firefighters, In those days I did not know the work of the firemen does not have a salary, and at least in Chile you need get money to survive, actually in every place you need money to live.

Before to decide study dance, I really wanted to study pedagogic in history, for me is a still a possibility, I think is a really usefull tool to make aware to persons. Finally I decided study dance because I have the possibility to get in the university before finished my highschool and here I am in third year, I wanted to leave my career a several times because is a really frustrating thing work with the body.

My experience in the university has been a total adventure, bad things, good things, but at the end a good and nutritive expirience.

My dream work is a little shameful, I would really love work in a place of fries potatos and can eat potatos all day.

sábado, 27 de abril de 2019


Hi! My name is Sofía, i am 20 years old, I was born in Santiago and always I have lived here.

My parents came from the different parts, my mom is from Santiago and my dad lived all his childhood in the countryside, in fact my extended family on my dad's part still live in the countryside, and for that reason I don't see it them so much. 
Here in Santiago I live with my two parents and my brother, and my lovely pet, it is a rabbit and his name is Platón.
My mom and my brother are engineers, my dad on the other hand is pilot. And me jaja I am studying dance, actually my career have a very long name but in short it is it.

I dance since I was ten years old, at the beginning I liked the show dance, later I met the contemporary dance and at this moment I am very interested in the artistic education, my ideals are in there.

I study in the university of Chile, when I came to the university I was seventeen years old and I hadn't finished the school, now I am in third year of my career.
I was in three schools, the most important was the liceo Carmela Carvajal de Prat because it taught me how to express my opinion no matter what.

Anyway, I am a grateful of everything I have and am.

Professional information

Hi! i'm going to intruduce myself again, my name is Sofìa and I would  like to describe myself prefessionally, although I'm just in ...